Sunday, January 28, 2007

Houston, We Have a Problem

That problem is a communication glitch. NSFH is now returning e-mails on a daily basis and even asking questions that require me to return his e-mails. Two months ago I would not have found that to be blog-worthy, but now it has me utterly confused. He ignores me for 2 1/2 weeks and is distant for a couple weeks before that, we see each other and now he's back to talking to me. The only thing that might explain this -- I checked my cell phone. That drunken New Year's call -- I didn't call him, he called me. However, my outgoing message box doesn't go back that far, so I don't know if I called him first and he was calling me back. The next step in deciphering this relationship mystery is to take a look at my cell phone bill for last month. However, if he was calling and I didn't call him first, maybe he did think I was mad at him. I also distinctly remember telling him I was representing all the single people in the world because I was the only single person at the party. I meant that as in I was the only woman not wearing an engagement ring at the party.... Hmph.... I don't get it. Really, if he's that interested this should not be that complicated. The problem is, I am that interested, so I can't stop analyzing everything.

I have some interesting other opportunities for dating, but, as I've mentioned before, NSFH tained the dating pool because now I compare everyone to him. My friend R told me that is okay because if I date someone else and don't feel as strongly about them as I do about NSFH that's a sign it's not meant to be -- that it will only be a fling. Not making me feel better....

This weekend I went out with a new guy from It was kind of an impromtu meeting for drinks. JJ is a doctor. I swore I would never, ever, ever date another doctor, but he's not like the ex who is a doctor. JJ has traveled all over the world and has all kinds of stories and doesn't strike me as being OCD with a decision-making/stalking problem (Right away that's a plus!). He's been to the Amazon Rainforest -- how cool is that? We totally hit it off and he was very cute. Of course, I already had plans for that night so he and I had to part ways after less than two hours. However, we just text messaged and have plans to go out again in two weeks when I get home from a trip.

After meeting up with JJ I went to see CJ who I had lunch with last week. CJ and I have been e-mailing all week -- he's pretty funny and sarcastic. He bought my favorite beer(s) and we had a few drinks and talked a lot. We called a cab to go to this great dive bar, but the cab never showed up. Instead, we drank more, made frozen pizza and talked, talked, talked. We talked for eight hours -- we were up until 5 a.m. He is incredibly attractive, successful, and sophisticated. His condo looks like it could be in an issue of Home and Garden. There's something a touch weird about the way I feel about him, though. I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it was the hickey I woke up with this morning. Ugh...I'm not in college anymore. Now, I'll be wearing turtlenecks all week. At least it's cold here. Really cold. Turtlenecks for three days straight cold.

I ran into one of the ex-boyfriends this weekend. He looked at me like I had the plague. My friend was even taken aback at how akward the whole encounter was. He and I have talked and e-mailed a bit since we broke up, so I didn't think it would be that akward. Apparently I underestimated the ability of a man in his mid-30's to act like a toddler. That really makes me look forward to dating some more...

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