Tuesday, February 6, 2007

They Just Don't Make Them Like This in the Midwest

It's official. I cannot find a guy I really like in my time zone. That's the bad news. The good news, I found a guy I really like. Now, granted nothing is going to come of my one-night stand with JG, who I met last weekend in NYC, but he certainly helped me remember not to obsess of NSFH. In fact, as soon as I stopped thinking about NSFH, which walking around the streets of Manhattan made me do in, oh, five minutes, NSFH decides to text message me. I actually was on my way to meet JG and didn't text NSFH back until the next day. Go me!

So, I was in NYC for a grad school event and JG was a second-year student I met right away. We have some of the same career goals, so he wanted to talk to me about that. After the first day's events I ran into JG at the school-sponsored drinking party (grad school is going to be so much better than undergrad). He and I totally hit it off, and, oh, he is gorgeous. He invited me out to the bars with some of his friends and him, but I was pretty drunk and tired and still had my suitcase with me. We exchanged numbers and he texted the next day. That night I met him and a couple friends at a great bar downtown. We wound up at a bar/club/loungy place and sat very close on a couch. After about three Jack and diets, I wound up going home with him. Hell, I would have gone home with him without alcohol. He's smart, attractive, sophisticated, dresses well, successful, and very east coast. He's even better looking with his clothes off. He clearly has spent a good amount of time at the gym.

After a fun night and morning, he and I went our separate ways, but will probably be in touch if I get into the school. He sealed the deal for me on the school. If only the admissions office knew. As I walked to the subway in glorious NYC on a Saturday morning I realized NSFH is not the only man outside my time zone who interests me. I realize he and I will have fun when he's in town, but, quite frankly, it's not the end of the world if nothing comes of it.

I think I will be going out with JJ again this weekend. He invited me to a hockey game. I am most excited about getting to know him better. CJ let me crash at his place and drove me to the airport last weekend, but there is something odd about him. It certainly was weirder when he's ex-live-in-girlfriend called several times at 1 a.m. He eventually answered the phone, so, of course, I was listening to the conversation. He didn't seem too happy with her phone calls. I'm not sure what the deal is with their break-up. I don't care that she called because a) he and I have been on 2 dates and b) I have a stalker ex, too, so who am I to judge? I found out later they had bought two homes together. Very serious stuff. Maybe too serious for me. I'm still out making up for lost time with boys in different time zones.

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